Healing Pathway

Welcome to Healing Pathway – Where Wellness Blossoms!
At Healing Pathway, we’re not just about health; we’re about thriving in every aspect of your life. We invite you to embark on a transformative journey towards holistic wellness, where vibrant well-being is more than a goal; it’s a way of life.
Elevate Your Life with Healing Pathway, Immerse yourself in the transformational magic of holistic wellness. Whether you seek relief from physical ailments, emotional healing, stress management, or a life of balance and vitality, Healing Pathway is your sanctuary.
Your journey towards holistic wellness starts now. Let us be your guide on this remarkable voyage to complete well-being. Embrace the difference that Healing Pathway can make in your life – where wellness isn’t just a destination; it’s a vibrant journey.      

Book your free discovery call


Digestive Concerns

Unlock Your Digestive Superpowers with Dr. Fawziyah
  Do digestive issues like
GERD/ Heart burn
Food Sensitivities
Candida Infection
Leaky Gut
Chrones and /or Colitis
bother you?
Dr. Fawziyah helps with digestive concerns, through providing a thorough assessment to diagnose and address underlying factors. Assessment Approach:
Full health history review
Customized lab testing recommendations
Lab Tests Offered:
SIBO IgG Food Sensitivity Panel
Stool Analysis (Comprehensive & Microbiology)
Intestinal Permeability Assessment
H. Pylori Testing
Histamine DAO Test
IBS-Smart Test
Celiac Test Panel
Nutrient Deficiency Assessment
Naturopathic Treatment:
Dietary adjustments
Nutritional and herbal therapies
Tailored to heal your digestive tract WE help to repair your gut to get you feeling your best. Turn on your digestion superpowers today!

Book your appointment today

Hormonal Disturbances 

Awaken Your Hormonal Harmony
Is your metabolism feeling lackluster?
Are menstrual cycles causing discomfort?
Concerned about fertility, acne, or other women’s health issues?
If you’re nodding along, it’s time to address these concerns:
Irregular Periods
Thyroid Disorders
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
 Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Sleep Disturbances 
Anxiety/ Depression
 Weight Gain
 Infections (Yeast/Bacterial Vaginosis/UTIs)
Enter the world of Naturopathic Care! Our Naturopathic Doctor conduct a thorough assessment, uncovering the root causes of hormonal imbalances.
The goal?
Recommending effective, lasting solutions for optimal hormone health.
Assessment With Dr. Fawziyah, ND:
Health History Review
Recommendations for Tailored Lab Testing
Lab Testing Includes:
Female Hormone Panel
PCOS Panel
Female Fertility Assessment
Thyroid Panel with Antibodies
UTI Testing
Yeast/Bacterial Vaginosis Swab
 Stress Hormone Panel
 Insulin Resistance Assessment
Cardiovascular Risk Profile
 Cholesterol Panel
Individual Hormones
 Naturopathic Treatments:
 Dietary Changes
 Nutritional Medicine
Herbal Therapies
Embark on a journey to harmonize your hormones and elevate your well-being. Let Dr. Fawziyah guide you toward a healthier, balanced life. Turn on your hormonal superpowers today!.

Don’t wait any longer, schedule your appointment today!

Immune Disorder 

Empower Your Immune System: Unlock Its Superpowers
Is your immune system on overdrive or needing a boost?
If you’re facing challenges like allergies, recurring infections, or autoimmune conditions, it’s time to tap into your immune system’s superpowers for:
Recurring Infections
 Autoimmune Conditions
Ulcerative Colitis
 Thyroid Diseases – Hashimoto’s, Grave’s
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Multiple Sclerosis
 You are at the right place, where we will turn on your immune system’s natural superpowers. Dr.F awziyah conducts a comprehensive assessment to diagnose concerns and uncover underlying factors.
The Assessment :
Health History Review
 Recommendations for Tailored Lab Testing
Lab Testing Includes:
IgE Inhalant Allergy Test
IgE Food Allergy Testing
Comprehensive Additive & Exposure Profile
Indoor Reactivity Profile
Urine Toxic Element Analysis
Hair Mineral Analysis
 Autoimmune Blood Test Markers
Inflammation Blood Test Markers
Nutrient Deficiencies (Vitamin D, B12, Iron, etc.)
Lyme Disease Testing
IgG Food Sensitivity Panel
Celiac Test Panel
Naturopathic Treatments:
 Dietary Changes
 Nutritional Medicine
Herbal Therapies
It’s time to unlock your immune system’s superpowers and embark on a journey to optimal health. Let us  guide you to a vibrant, balanced life! 
Don’t wait any longer, schedule your appointment today!

Chronic Pain

“Activate Your Anti-Inflammatory Superpowers: Liberate Yourself from Chronic Pain!”
Is persistent pain affecting your daily life?
If you’re dealing with headaches, back pain, or other discomfort, it’s time to ignite your body’s anti-inflammatory superpowers for:
Headaches & Migraines
Neck or Shoulder Pain
Low Back Pain
You are at the right place, where we help in turning on your body’s natural anti-inflammatory mechanisms. Dr. Fawziyah conducts a thorough assessment to diagnose concerns and uncover underlying factors.  
Assessment at Dr. Fawziyah’s Practice:
Health History Review 
Recommendations for Tailored Lab Testing
Lab Testing May Include:
Inflammation Markers
Nutrient Levels
Hormonal Assessments
Autoimmune Markers
Naturopathic Treatments:
Dietary Changes
Nutritional Medicine
Herbal Therapies
Discover natural solutions tailored to your needs. We aim to improve your body’s function and alleviate chronic pain. It’s time to activate your anti-inflammatory superpowers and reclaim a life free from persistent discomfort! 
Don’t wait any longer, schedule your appointment today!